On 21 July 2014, I was able to cross off one of the things I want to do before I turn 40, and that is to experience graduation in the UK. Although I was aiming for a Master's degree, I guess another Bachelor's degree is really not bad and I shouldn't complain. I gained my first Bachelor's degree in Nursing in 1997 and now in Specialist Practice. I am not giving up on my dream to get a Master's degree though, so watch this space. My graduation ceremony took place in Bristol Cathedral. The ceremony was very organized and I basically didn't realize that there are no graduation rehearsals here unlike in the Philippines. I was also wondering whether I was going to receive another certificate because I already received mine through the post few months before. But apparently not. All we did was basically go to the platform and be congratulated by the Chancellor. There were few speeches but that was it really. As simple as it may have been, I definitely enjoyed the
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