
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Most Successful Main Dishes I've Ever Cooked in 2017

I only took the kitchen seriously over two years ago when J invited me to his flat and said, " I would like to show you my mad cooking skills ". For a while, he did all the cooking until I finally felt challenged and took over the kitchen indefinitely. I am very much enjoying the art of cooking at the moment. I never realised how rewarding it is to be able to cook for your loved ones. No wonder Kris Aquino claims that cooking is her language of love.  Anyway, from  breakfast and brunch meals ,  here are the most successful main dishes I've ever cooked:  1. Duck -  There is no doubt that (anything) duck is one of my favourite dishes. But until a few months ago, I was reluctant to cook duck because apparently it needs to be cooked precisely (as suggested on recipes by cooking experts), otherwise it would be dry and chewy. Then one evening, I was up for a kitchen challenge and decided to give duck a try. The first duck dish I've ever cooked was D uck in Or

Happy 17th Birthday In Heaven, My Keith!

It's that time of the year again. Keith would have been 17 today. It has become my tradition to look back at his old photos a few days before his birthday or his angelversary. This is not to say that these are the only times that I do this. At random times, I catch myself looking at his photos (and kissing his beloved toy Meowmeow). The truth is, I miss Keith everyday. I always wish that he's still with us so I could watch him grow into an amazing young man. However, the Almighty had other plans for him, and I do understand that now.  I can finally say that with confidence because I know that I have gone a very long way since that painful reality in 2012.  And while I was browsing through his photos, I came across an open letter that I wrote in 2014 (two years after he left us).  **** Dear Keith, When God took you away from us more than two years ago, I was so devastated. That was the most painful thing that ever happened to me. I questioned God and my faith. I kep

Cornwall: A Staycation-worthy Destination

Our most anticipated trip to LA was cancelled almost at the last minute much to our my disappointment. With my annual leave already granted (a few months before)and our minds set to a few days away from the hustle and bustle of the city, we had to find an alternative place to spend a few days and unwind. A foreign t ravel was ruled out as it was a bit too late to book anything cheap, so we chose to staycation instead. The Jurassic Coast  was our original plan as I've always wanted to see Durdle Door, but on second thought decided to go further southwest to Cornwall, which was an even better idea. I have been to Cornwall at least three times before but actually not seen it the way I've seen it this time. Majority of the places we went to were places I've never heard of before, but certainly will now be on my list of the most beautiful places I've ever visited.  Planning this trip was apparently more challenging than when I planned our trip to the South Island

My 20 Favourite Cities In The World

So far. It's now more than eight months since we moved back to London and I can finally say that I am fully settled here. With this came the realisation that I haven't actually traveled abroad since November and I am definitely missing it. There is always something about visiting a new city that gets me high- and it's not just  the beauty of the place. It's the personal experience I gain whenever I set foot on a foreign land that makes me happier.  This blog entry is a summary of my favourite travels in the past, and I ranked the cities based on how they impacted my life one way or the other: 1. Wellington, New Zealand But of course. I've only lived in the " coolest little capital in the world " for over ten months, but Wellington  holds a very special place in my heart. It's laid back culture allowed me to be the person that I've always wanted to be. Small as it is, there are a lot of interesting things to do, and they're only 15 minu