To follow on our magical Harry Potter trip to Edinburgh , we headed to Oxford on a stormy day. Yes, typhoon Doris was in the UK and we definitely felt its presence through the strong winds. Luckily, there was no rain so it was a little more comfortable to walk around Oxford. The main purpose of our trip to Oxford was to see "The Great Hall" and "The Stairway". As a clueless Harry Potter wanna-be, I didn't know anything else apart from that. I later found out that one of my favourite structures in Oxford was in four of the Harry Potter films . The Divinity Hall was used as Hogwarts Infirmary, and the Duke Humphrey's Library was the Hogwarts Library, where Harry became invisible. Both of which are located inside the Bodleian Library. A certain tree in New College was used in The Goblet of Fire. This is where Draco was turned into a ferret- this I remember quite well. The tree is actually visible from the "Bridge of Sighs" - anoth
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