
That Random 6-Hour Day Trip To Paris

So, my friend from New Zealand visited London after a few years. One early morning when I picked him up from his hotel, he asked what else could we do whilst he was here. I jokingly told him we should go to Paris to have coffee. His eyes lit up and he got excited like a child going to Disneyland for the first time. Paris was already on my itinerary this year as I have a friend visiting from California in June, so I was not so keen to go. But my friend was very excited that he did not want to leave the hotel until we booked our flight. So at 0800 in the morning at the hotel lobby, we booked our flight to Paris. Whilst I prefer taking the Eurostar to Paris, tickets were twice as much as an Easyjet flight, so we opted for the latter.  To be honest, I have forgotten how to tavel to Paris on a plane as I haven't done this for a very long time. Besides, we only had 6 hours to spend in Paris so maximising our time was essential. I have been to Paris a few times, however, there is one rout

The Last Minute 3 -Day Trip To Rome

I just realised that I have not written about my trip to Rome a couple of months ago. Life took over and I just didn't have the motivation to write, although I have a list of experiences that I really want to share. But here we are now, so let me tell you about my Rome experience before I get distracted again. This was my fourth trip to Rome and I would always choose to go back given the chance. On this trip, I went with a friend who has not travelled to Italy before. I am glad that we chose Rome because this time, I saw the Pope. My friend only had The Vatican on her list to visit so planning our itinerary was easy.  I chose to stay in Cavour this time as when I was doing my research, I discovered that this area is actually close to most places that I wanted to revisit. We stayed in Nerva Accommodation Cavour which is more or less than four minutes walk from Cavour Metro Station. P laces I/we visited: 1. St Peter's Basilica As this was friend's priority, I made sure that

Restaurants in London: My Experiences in 2023

Since we moved to the South of the river almost a couple of years ago, we decided to explore the food scene locally a little bit more because honestly, there are really good restaurants here, too. However, since I was having a prolonged separation anxiety from our former West End neighbourhood, I went back to Central London (to eat) more frequently than I planned last year. Again, I had really good food experiences because I had a mixture of all my favourite dishes.  I know it's almost April, but it's never too late. There is still plenty of time to explore the restaurants on my list. And if you do try any of them, I hope you'll enjoy it, too. 1. Fallow St James's We went to the Fallow for only one thing- their smoked cod's head in homemade Sriracha sauce and leek oil (£28). I mean, not a lot of people would eat a fish head, but it's one of my favourite things in life. This cod's head was perfectly seasoned, and although it appeared to be all bones, it was a

5 Afternoon Tea Experiences To Book in London in 2024

Last year, I kept my promise to have less  Afternoon Teas  so I could experience other things, hence I am only sharing 5 Afternoon Tea experiences on this blog this time. Less is more as they say. London is your place for the most amazing Afternoon Teas, and there are plenty of hotels and restaurants that offer this luxurious experience. To those who are new here, I have been writing about my Afternoon Tea experiences in London since 2013- that goes to show how much I love this classic English tradition and you should, too. So, here are five of the many places in London where you can enjoy finger sandwiches, scones, little cakes and a variety of teas in 2024. 1. The Regency Afternoon Tea at Theatre Royal Drury Lane Afternoon Tea at the Theatre Royal is served in the Grand Saloon on the first floor. Enjoy the pleasure of walking up the grand staircase and into dazzling chandeliers and beautiful tall green pillars inside the Grand Saloon, giving that Bridgerton vibe. Sandwiches are not s

2023, Thank You For Defying Me

And so, 2024 is finally here. I must say that 2023 was not my favourite year for the main reason that I met the worst version of myself last year. And when I say "worst", I mean the most negative, the most ungrateful and the most impatient Cristine that I have ever known. I was very lost and confused- one thing that I have never been in such a long time. 2023 hit me quite differently and it was in a very negative way. Whilst there are a lot of things that I want "to do better" in 2024, there are a few little things that I really want to focus on. Don't get me wrong, despite all the negativity last year, I can honestly say that I remained blessed. Not in any material way, but 2023 was the year when I finally realised that my Ate Nonia was right- I am blessed with so many intangible things that added so much more value and meaning into my life, and for that, I am grateful.  Now, please do not judge me when I say that Social Media is on top of my list to do better

How Can You Let Go Of Your Mother?

It's been three months since I last wrote on this blog. I have no excuse. Or perhaps I do. The last three months have been a blur. I went through an emotional roller coaster in my personal and professional life. But I guess the one thing that really demotivated me was my mother's deterioration, and eventually her passing.  I honestly do not want to use my mother's passing as an excuse for my lack of focus and determination in the last three months, but I have not completely come into terms with her passing. And with this, I mean I have not fully grieved- I think. I have not fully processed my mother's death. Believe me, she crosses my mind frequently, but somehow I always manage not to let this thought linger for long.  Perhaps I remain in denial, or perhaps it's a feeling of guilt.  It was at the beginning of August when I first felt that things were changing. My mother, since she became bedridden three years ago, would call me throughout the day, and night. I woul