CASA San Miguel, San Antonio Zambales

Now that I am beginning to find solace from writing letters to Keith Ashley, I think I can now go back to what this blog is all about. My boy remains constant in my thoughts, but I have now found a way of communicating with him. So here is a lighter entry on this site.

The day before we left for London, my sister-in-law took us to one of the most beautiful places I have seen in Zambales - The CASA San Miguel. It is located in the middle of a mango orchard in Pundaquit, San Antonio. Literally, CASA San Miguel is the Centre for Arts in Zambales. It was established some time ago by Sir Coke Bolipata, an acclaimed violinist and was in a Cinemalaya film - Boses.
The CASA- This is where Keith Ashley first learned how to play the violin and where he went for his art classes every Sunday. They also do recitals and exhibitions there.
The Casa San Miguel from the orchard
The Concert Hall where recitals, theatre plays, concerts etc are being held.
Apparently, according to Ate Lucy this was painted by Keith Ashley's Art Teacher Zaniel and could be found at the stairs landing above the Cafe.
This building was under refurbishment when we visited, in preparation for an upcoming Art Exhibit in the summer.
In the building above, we found this artwork by one of the renowned artists in the Philippines- Mr. Elmer Borlongan. His (most) famous painting is "Batang Edsa".
We had the privilege of meeting the man himself- Mr. Elmer Borlongan (left) and Teacher Zaniel (right). 
The Bolipata-Borlongan Residence. 
Mr. Borlongan and his artist wife, Ma'am Plet currently live there. This house kind of reminds me of Yves Saint Laurent's house in Marrakech, Morocco- The Jardin Majorelle. We would have loved to see the interior of the house, unfortunately we were (I was anyway) embarrassed to ask. Maybe next time.
We also met some of Keith Ashley's violin teachers and other students- one of them Promil's Gifted Child and former child actor Julian Duque, a very talented boy. He was in the film Boses with Sir Coke. 
This wall caught my attention, only because I knew that Keith would probably loved to paint it as he loved bright colours, although I don't think he has used the colour red so much in his paintings.

Here are other stuff that you can find in CASA, San Miguel:

This blog only proves that I can never be a travel blogger. I mean, that is all I can say about this beautiful place? I wish I was more descriptive and creative in my writing. But hopefully the photos will speak for it.

Tintin x


  1. Who says you can't? I love the brief reflective thoughts u shared here, bittersweet yet honest. would love to read more.


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