The Last Minute 3 -Day Trip To Rome

I just realised that I have not written about my trip to Rome a couple of months ago. Life took over and I just didn't have the motivation to write, although I have a list of experiences that I really want to share. But here we are now, so let me tell you about my Rome experience before I get distracted again.

This was my fourth trip to Rome and I would always choose to go back given the chance. On this trip, I went with a friend who has not travelled to Italy before. I am glad that we chose Rome because this time, I saw the Pope. My friend only had The Vatican on her list to visit so planning our itinerary was easy.  I chose to stay in Cavour this time as when I was doing my research, I discovered that this area is actually close to most places that I wanted to revisit. We stayed in Nerva Accommodation Cavour which is more or less than four minutes walk from Cavour Metro Station.

Places I/we visited:
1. St Peter's Basilica
As this was friend's priority, I made sure that we go there on a Sunday so we could hear the mass in the morning. From our hotel, we took the metro to Ottaviano. Journey took about 31 minutes with a change in Termini. From Ottaviano, we walked to St Peter's Basilica for 12 minutes. The mass started at 0900 and it was certainly a blessing that the mass was held at the Altar of the Chair and it was in Italian as well. Of course, a visit inside the Basilica is incomplete without looking at the Pieta by Michelangelo.

After the mass, we went to have breakfast at a nearby restaurant with the intention to go back to the hotel and rest after. However, we met a Filipino guy on the street who told us that the Angelus is at 12 midday and advised us to go back and see the Pope. And so we did. I felt so blessed to have done this and listened to the Pope's homily in person. It was a dream come true for my friend. We were also blessed with a very good weather despite it still being winter. 

In one of the days, I also went back to the Vatican alone to see St Peter's Basilica at night. To be fair, at around 1830, St Peter's Square was not as busy as I thought, considering the weather was mild. 

2. Trevi Fountain
The following morning, I fulfilled my travel tradition and went for a walk at sunrise.  I walked from our hotel to Trevi Fountain through Via Milano for more or less than 20 minutes. It was a beautiful walk, there was freshness in the Roman air in the morning and streets were very quiet- hard to imagine how these streets become so packed so quickly in the day. I watched as shopkeepers prepare for the day- some carrying boxes, others sweeping the floors and arranging the chairs. The closer I got to the Trevi fountain, the busier it got.  I arrived at Trevi fountain just before 8am. Nowadays, I assume that this place is busy at any time of the day. There were already people when I arrived as I expected. Luckily, there was a government event that day, hence the stairs that lead down closer to the fountain was closed.  It was okay for me as I only wanted to take a photo of the fountain on its own. As I took my last photo, I saw a group of tourist coming, their tour guide waiving their flag- that was my sign to move on.

3. The Pantheon
Eight minutes walk from the Trevi fountain is The Pantheon.  This former Roman temple is apparently the "only ancient building in Rome that remained intact through the centuries". The first time I visited Pantheon, I was fascinated by its oculus. Imagine standing right in the middle of the oculus, with the ray of sun shining directly on you.  It was beautiful. This time though, I didn't go inside as I was there far too early. There is also now an entrance fee of 5 euros. To be honest, this is quite cheap for the experience that The Pantheon has to offer. Perhaps the best thing to do is go early as I can imagine how busy it will be. 

4. Colosseo
One of the good things in the district of Monti where we stayed is the fact that it is close to most attractions, and you can get there on foot quite easily. The Colosseo is one of them- it is 15 minutes walk from our hotel and an easy one too, especially during the night. We decided not to go in as we didn't have much time but it was a good day to hang around and admire the biggest amphitheatre in the world in all angles. 

Later that evening, we went back to the Colosseo to experience it at night. The illuminated amphitheatre was beautiful! 

5. Spanish Steps
Spanish Steps was an option on this trip, so we only passed by when we went window shopping. As expected, it was packed - we went around midday. If I were to go back, I would sacrifice waking up early just so I can enjoy the place without the crowd. I actually found this view on Via dei Condotti. 

6. Castel Sant'Angelo
After four trips to Rome, I still have not managed to go in Castel Sant' Angelo. I have only just seen it from Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II. Regardless, it is beautiful from afar.  Perhaps I put Castel Sant' Angelo on top of my itinerary when I go back to Rome.

7. Random Streets
In one of my walks, I came across a couple of beautiful streets in Rome. I was on my way to the Trevi Fountain I think. I passed through Via Panisperna and the view from on top of the road during the golden hour was beautiful. 

Along Via Urbana is this pretty corner building.  I still have not managed to find out what the name of the building though. You see, this is the reason why I like going around on my own sometimes- I often get distratced by beautiful streets, buildings and places. 

So I guess our last minute 3-day trip to Rome was really good. We we were able to see the main sights without rushing and even managed to rest at the hotel in between. I was also able to fulfill my tradition without the pressure. It was actually an advantage that I wrote about my last trip in detail because it helped me plan our itinerary . 

If you happen to be here and are planning your trip to Rome, I hope you found this blog helpful.

Tin x


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