R.I.P. Robin Williams
Sometimes I wish I can lend my strength to people so they can surpass every life's hurdle that's thrown at them. I am saying this because as far as I know, I have been through almost, if not every trial that life can bring to any individual. Believe it or not, from a painful loss to betrayal to financial challenges to rejection to slander to family issues to falling out with once important people in my life. So far I can't think of anything that I have not gone through. Luckily, I am gifted with enough strength to fight and never once did I think of giving up, because I know that everything is temporary and whatever I am or have been going through will have an end. I have always told myself, "this too shall pass". I just hope that there is a better way of reassuring some people that life is worth fighting for regardless of how much pain we have to go through. Sometimes you just have to look beyond the dark clouds. As they say, there is a silver lining at the end of it all.
Another precious life lost. Rest in peace, Robin.
Thank you for making us laugh and cry at the same time.
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