When Life Takes Over

Life clearly took over the last four weeks because I feel like I've not had a downtime for a while. October went by so swiftly, I can barely remember some of the things that took place in the month that facebook claimed "I did right". October has indeed been quite challenging for me- mentally and physically. 

Actually, roughly a week before October, I made a prudent decision to quit my current job because we were going to relocate to Edinburgh. And then better things just kept coming to a point where we were no longer sure where we'd be next. But as J's Mom always says, "something will come up and then you'll know". 

And then October came.

My October was about catching up with some people whom I haven't spent time with in a while. First of all, I finally  went to a spa with one of my closest friends. It was my first time to have a facial because I've always believed that I didn't need one. I'm glad I gave in because I felt so relaxed and refreshed afterwards. This is now going to be a regular gift for myself I reckon. 

Then I had the chance to hang out with one of my friends at work, after a few years of planning. And to mark our first 1:1 ever, we went to a Cafe in Camden Town for some dirty ice cream.

Mamasons Dirty Ice Cream
91 Kentish Town Road

My cousin and his family also came to visit, and for the first time since we came back from New Zealand, I had my favourite pandesal.
Romulo's Cafe
343 Kensington High St
W8 6NW

Hmm. Now that I live in the West End of London, I am more excited to watch West End shows. Sadly, I have only watched three shows since we moved here a year ago. Therefore, when one of my friends mentioned that she has always wanted to watch a musical but never had anyone to go with, I volunteered. And to make her first theatre experience memorable, we watched Les Miserables.  But before that, we indulged ourselves with some heavenly chocolate drinks and cakes.
SAID dal 1923
41 Broadwick Street
Carnaby W1F 9QL

Subsequently, the unexpected opportunity to travel to Seattle, Washington came. 

Although we only technically spent two full days in Seattle, I was happy because I was able to travel to the US with J for the first time. Besides, I was able to spend  time with my cousin whom I haven't seen in two years.

The day after we arrived from Seattle, I went back to work. I was very tired, but I didn't have a choice. Worst of all, I was doing the ward round. 

The tiredness dragged on until I went to Paris for a day that same week. Tired as I was, I couldn't miss the chance of meeting one special person whom I haven't seen in years. 

The day after Paris, without much sleep, I went to visit my friend and her family at their new place outside London. It was also the same day I found out that my mother had a stroke. My mind and my body, still tired from all the socialising and traveling, almost couldn't cope with what was going on. Still confused as to where we're going to end up living and working eventually, I was faced with yet another challenge.

When it comes to my parents' health, I am always torn between my responsibility as a daughter and my frustration towards how they manage their priorities. I suppose, no matter how much they make me unhappy sometimes, my love for them still prevails. 

So yes, my October was pretty demanding. Not to mention the daily mundane activities that I have to do in order to survive this life.

It's almost half-way through November and although I am still not fully rested, life has somehow calmed down a bit. 

Perhaps, sometimes life has to take over so we learn how to prioritise things and spend our precious time only with people who are definitely worth it.

Right now, although some things are still uncertain, I am but excited to see what the future holds. 

Tintin x


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