We Own the Night: Nike Women's 10k Night Run

The run that I almost missed because of bad weather forecast. Basically according to my Met Office app, it was going to rain all day yesterday, and it wasn't just showers, it was heavy rain. So my friend Katie and I were not 100% sure if it was worth it to run in heavy rain. But then we paid £28 pounds for this and we were not that willing to give it up for just a t-shirt. So we thought we would wait until 5pm and see how the weather would be like. At this point, the weather has changed three times - from rainy to sunny to windy. At 5pm, the rain has stopped, although it was still a bit windy. We decided to go anyway and we thought we would decide whether to run or not when we get there, depending on the weather of course.

On my way to the tube station, I saw a rainbow which to me has always been a good sign of a good weather. I don't know if this true but I would like to believe it that way. Or maybe it was a sign from my Angel that I should run. Whatever it was, I went anyway.

I must say that I love the  colour and the design of the race bag and the t-shirt.

I have been running for more or less two years now, but I don't think I have taken it seriously as yet. I am bad at preparing for my runs. I haven't run 10k for the last three weeks because of the cold weather and because I sprained my  right ankle. And before the run, I ate 5 mango tarts and some sweets that my cousin brought from the Philippines. I felt so full and I was worried I may not be able to run. Besides, I never really wear appropriate clothings when I am running. I know I should, but I can't really justify spending loads of money for running gears. But I have just been to some sport stores and I found cheap ones so after this, I promise I will get myself some decent running clothes. And did I mention about my running shoes? I have always wanted to buy those bright and light Nike shoes but they are too expensive, so I've settled with my old Asics trainers. But I realized that maybe it's now time for me to take running seriously, as in seriously as I don't plan to give up on it any time soon.

The weather turned out to be good although it was a bit chilly. But my friend and I were there to indeed OWN THE NIGHT!

And what is the better way to start a race than a selfie? :)

Although we went around Victoria Park twice (which I hate when I am running because it bores me), the lights, the music and yes, the smoke machines made it more fun and easy to run. And did I mention that because this was a women's race, majority of the cheerers were men?I am not kidding....

And yes, my friend Katie and I owned the night! Katie did it in 45 minutes and 50 seconds, while I did it in 54 minutes and 1 second. I was aiming for anything  under an hour, so I did really well. 

And instead of the usual medal that you get from races, we had a necklace designed by Alex Monroe, which is really amazing!!!

And of course, our goodie bag.

I am really glad that Katie and I decided to go, rain or shine.  Otherwise, we would have missed the most amazing 10k run that I have done so far. It didn't rain at all during the entire run.

On top of all this, there was also a glass of bubbly after the run and yes, an after party in the village.

So, if you want to run with a difference, maybe you should join Nike Women's 10k Night Run next year. I am sure I will do it again.

tintin x


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