Royce Chocolates
I first found out about Royce Chocolates when my friend K brought me some from the Philippines more than a year ago. And ever since, it has become my favourite. I'm so sorry Crunch, but Royce Nuttty Bar Chocolate is a lot better than you. And maybe, it's also healthier. It's a Japanese chocolate after all. But then again this is just my own justification from eating three bars in one go.
When I went home in January, my friend Joy bought me some. They were about P1,500 for a box of 18, I think. It's not too bad for a luscious chocolate. And yes, it looks really posh- how it's wrapped and everything.
This is the Nutty Bar Chocolate which is my favourite.
It is crunchy, nutty (as it says) and not very sweet. This is why I like it very much.
(photo from their website)
Another Royce chocolate that I love is the Amande. Actually, my friend K is my biggest (junk) food influence. She has introduced me to most of the (junk) foods that I eat nowadays. Just like Amandinas, which she buys from France, Amande is made of roast almonds coated with Royce chocolate. There are three flavours, but I prefer the Black Amande Chocolat. I brought some too, but it was gone in two days!
Black Amande Chocolat.
I am not sure how much they are. But if I can remember it right, around P500.
(photo from their website)
Royce Chocolates are available in most Asian Countires.
In Manila, they are availabe in:
Power Plant Mall
Greenbelt 5
Eastwood Mall
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